Apple car

Apple has gone through a lot of rumors but a report has indicated that it may announce the car project in 2022 and launch it by 2025. Then later it was found that the announcement which came in 2022 was not a true news, then according to a report it was found that Apple can launch its car by 2026 as soon as possible.

Apple car design

According to intelligence, the real vision of Apple Kar is that it will detect its driver through fingerprint and then take him anywhere. Meanwhile, it is said about the company that it is preparing charging infrastructure by hiring engineers and talking about charging technology. There are rumors and speculations that the general shape of the vehicle may offer some takeaways from the design of the existing vehicle based on the Aryans. Changes in the vehicle include screen display, privacy lighting and design in the frame.

Features of Apple car

The work on the Apple Car self-driving vehicle system has been the most visible answer of the entire scheme, Apple has designed the self-driving system and has experienced it, seen on public roads.

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